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 Prime PSP by ducksrule

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-10-29

Prime PSP by ducksrule Empty
PostSubject: Prime PSP by ducksrule   Prime PSP by ducksrule I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2009 12:41 pm

Sup yall, new here to bulletz but i just want to show you something sick,

Prime PSP by ducksrule 480x600

thats right, Prime PSP

prime PSP is a single and multiplayer Kurok/Quake mod thats storyline is close to the ds version, Metroid Prime Hunters.

so far, the team is:
Shallows: Model, GFX, Texture
Nerdy3: Only Beta tester
Mexicougar: Mapper
Lazy Sammich: Model, GFX, Texture
Ducksrule: Music Composer
So far, we need:
Mappers, texture artists, modeler(if your really good, we have plenty), sound artist, composers, voice acting, and most IMPORTANT, CODER!!!!!!!!

we need YOU!

our official website is: http://primepsp.byethost6.com/

thanks and please join.
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Prime PSP by ducksrule
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